More of Dr. Lynn Friedman in the news

Eilene Zimmerman interviewed me about about understanding the origins of your office anger.
Sometimes at work, you feel angry or distressed and lose your composure, how can you deal with these feelings in a way that serves your career? I’m cited s saying, it’s important to step back and reflect. However, as we all know, that’s easier said than done. If anger is a problem for you in the workplace, you need to evaluate whether there’s something about this particular workplace or whether you have this difficulty across many workplaces. If the former the case, it may be a sign that it is time to either address the workplaces challenges in someway or to find a setting that is a better fit. However, if the latter is the case, you may decide to consider psychotherapy.
The Wall Street Journal

Boomers Become Interns to Experience New Jobs
Ann Jeffrey interviewed me on my views on summer internships.

Tips to reclaim elusive free time
Thom Patterson of CNN, interviewed me on my views on reclaiming free time.
Segway inventor reveals ‘toughest question’
Thom Patterson of CNN, interviewed me on the relationship between an entrepreneurs personality and his business.